Buy your very own AMICK Rollaerator machine today and start enjoying the benefits of a properly aerated lawn! Our Rollaerator machine allows you to aerate your lawn in just a few minutes!

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AMICK RollAerator  

Complete machine including shipping:
Double Disc Clamshell  $399
(machine arrives in 2 parts for your convenience, handle 1st then heavy aerating disc)

Orders must be by phone (505) 545-2679, to pay securely thru ZELLE use our Zelle Tag: 916-298-0567

For more details and to order by phone please call Mike at (505) 545-2679
International shipping OK

I’m talking about Lawn Aeration and your own lawn aerator.
Every lawn in town needs to be aerated from time to time. Aerating a lawn is when small holes are punched in the lawn soil to increase water and air penetration and make roots divide, grow deeply and cause the lawn to stay thick and healthy.

Most homeowners skip doing it for many years at a time then the ground hardens and their lawns get pale, thin and brown. Tiff hybrid bermuda especially needs it. There is no seed for it and it only reproduces by division which punching the holes does

The common machines to aerate lawns though are somewhat bulky, scarce and expensive to rent and hard to handle or impossibly slow. I invented and sell a much improved lawn aerator that is fast, easy to handle, effective and inexpensive that you can take anywhere. Even on a bike. The machine is much cheaper than a gas machine but just as fast and does a neat job. You can make a full time business with it as well.

Interested so far? Send a message for more details. Lawn Aerator Machine, Lawn Aerating, Amick.

Lawn Aerator Machine, Lawn Aeration, Amick

This is the new AMICK Roll-Aerator. Developed for homeowners, gardeners, greenskeepers, or anyone who manages lawn and wants a better choice of manual lawn aerator than the ancient foot aerators or spiked sandals. The RollAerator does a much better job creating about 300 holes per minute at average walking speed. The RollAerator is very easy to push and makes slender cores like those made on golf course greens. Slender 2″ long cores means less mess to rake off (optional). Any person who can push a lawn mower can operate the RollAerator. Its easier to push than a mower too.. This amazing machine is efficient and durable. Made completely of unbreakable steel (39 pounds).  No plastic. A bit on the heavy side but the weight is needed to make it punch effectively. The tines are made of stainless steel, uncloggable, unrustable. Some people who once used heavy gas machines to make a living are using the RollAerator now exclusivley. You can actually make a business with this machine. Much less work all the way around and gets better results. Aerates a normal sized lawn almost as fast as a gasoline aerator but does a closer, neater job. No ruts or dig-ups like gas machines will do. Gets all the hard to reach places the large machines can’t. Of course the RollAerator won’t replace the gasoline machine for the hugest lawns, but 2 people using 2 RollAerators and it just might. Won’t break sprinklers but they should be avoided anyway because some are not screwed on very well. Maintainance is incredibly easy. Only a small amount of oil or grease is needed on the axle ends and to clean out the soil from the tines when aerating is done.  Extensively tested in all US states. There is no lawn it can’t do. Lawns don’t need to be watered first or soggy to operate. The secret is the tine metal. It is thinner and stronger than cheapy aerators’ tines and slips into the ground easily with less force applied. If you’re tired of the foot aerators or spiked sandals, move up to the ultimate manual lawn aerator… The RollAerator.   SIMPLY SAID: THIS ONE REALLY WORKS…GUARANTEED!

Lawn Aerator Machine, Lawn Aeration, Amick


Good Morning Mike,

We received and put our RollAerator together and it works wonderfully!
Thank you for everything and good luck with your company!
You have a great product!
Larry Stevenson