(505) 545-2679 pokeamillion@gmail.com

The #1 Lawn Aerator Machine $399


Aerate your lawn in minutes!


For more info check out Rollaerator.com



The AMICK RollAerator is easy to assemble and will keep your lawn beautiful for years to come!



Start with the disk that has the tines mounted to it. One tine will have the axle in it. Remove the axle
Going one by one, loosen the two small nuts securing a ubolt that’s holding a tine. The tine will fall out. Turn the tine opposite direction and retighten the small nuts. Ensure the ubolt is sitting squarely in the notch ground into the tines wall. This prevents slippage
When all tines are in position. Get a short piece of 2×4 and lay flat on the bench. Stand the tine disk on the 2×4. Stand the other disk next to tine disk. Have a helper hold it still. Insert the axle through the center holes. Place a square metal plate onto each end of axle. Follow with a nut on each end of the axle. Tighten finger tight.
With a light hammer tap the axle so as to center it with the disks. Center the disks too. Make sure 3/4″ of axle extends past each axle nut and tighten axle firmly.
Attach the handlebar to the extended axle ends. Grease the axle and aerate the lawn. Clean the tines when done aerating.

Questions 505 545 2679. ROLLAERATOR. COM

Thanks again… michael Amick

Complete machine including shipping:

Double Disc Original all steel manual rolling lawn aerator…$399
Original Single Disk version, special order only

Order by phone for maximum accuracy…(505) 545-2679

The AMICK ROLLAERATOR… Accept no imitation
(machine arrives in 2 parts for your convenience, handle 1st then heavy aerating disc)


Buy your very own AMICK RollAerator machine today and start enjoying the benefits of a properly aerated lawn! STAR performer of all RollAerator versions! Our Rollaerator machine allows you to aerate your lawn in just a few minutes! (The machine does come with handles, the heavy aerating disc is shipped in one box and the handles in another).

Shipping is free in the continental US. Amick Rollaerator is shipped in two parts. The handlebar arrives 1st, then the heavier aerating disk, usually a few days apart. DELIVERY Disclaimer  (During warm growing seasons delivery wait times for the machine can be longer due to higher demand. Orders are shipped in the order recieved. Immediate and faster deliveries occur during the cool months)
Best method to build the double disk clamshell RollAerator…
Any Questions?
Amick Doubledisk “clamshell” version 



The manual push rolling lawn aerator. 7 hollow coring tines produce 2″ deep holes and pull cores about 1/2″ wide. Awesome performer on all lawns and soil types. Easy to push and makes about 200 holes per minute at average walking speed. Weighs about 45lbs complete. Mailed in two separate parts.. 1 the handlebar, 2 the heavy aerating disk. Virtually indestructible, tines never clog, rust or wear out. This aerator REALLY WORKS and will last a lifetime!

This is the new patented pending AMICK Roll-Aerator. This lawn aerator tool was developed for homeowners, gardeners, greenskeepers, or anyone who manages lawn and wants a better choice of manual lawn aerator than the ancient foot aerators or spiked sandals. The RollAerator lawn aerator tool does a much better job creating about 300 holes per minute at average walking speed so you can easily aerate your lawn in just a few minutes. The RollAerator is very easy to push and makes slender cores like those made on golf course greens. Slender 2″ long cores means less mess to rake off (optional). Any person who can push a lawn mower can operate the RollAerator. Its easier to push than a mower too! This amazing lawn aerator for sale here is efficient and durable. Made completely of unbreakable steel (39 pounds). No plastic. A bit on the heavy side but the weight is needed to make it punch effectively. The tines are made of stainless steel, uncloggable, unrustable. Some people who once used heavy gas machines to make a living are using the RollAerator now exclusivley. You can actually start a business with this machine and aerate lawns for people in your area.




Much less work all the way around and gets better results. Aerates a normal sized lawn almost as fast as a gasoline aerator but does a closer, neater job. No ruts or dig-ups like gas machines will do. Gets all the hard to reach places the large machines can’t. Of course the RollAerator won’t replace the gasoline machine for the hugest lawns, but two people using two patented pending RollAerators and it’s just might. Won’t break sprinklers but they should be avoided anyway because some are not screwed on very well. Maintainance is incredibly easy. Only a small amount of oil or grease is needed on the axle ends and to clean out the soil from the tines when aerating is done. Extensively tested in all US states. There is no lawn it can’t do. Lawns don’t need to be watered first or soggy to operate. The secret is the tine metal. It is thinner and stronger than cheapy aerators’ tines and slips into the ground easily with less force applied. If you’re tired of the foot aerators or spiked sandals, move up to the ultimate manual lawn aerator… The RollAerator. SIMPLY SAID  THIS ONE REALLY WORKS…We are so confident you will love our Rollaerator lawn aerator tool we guarantee it or your money back, no questions, no worries!






Golf Courses




I’m talking about Lawn Aeration and your very own AMICK ROLLAERATOR lawn aerator tool. Every lawn in town needs to be aerated from time to time. Aerating a lawn is when small holes are punched in the lawn soil to increase water and air penetration and make roots divide, grow deeply and cause the lawn to stay thick and healthy.

Amick Original Single Disk version, special order only!









From Our Clients

I received the handle for the RollAerator and set it up without any problems, and used it that day! And I have to tell you I’m totally delighted with the way it worked. It made quick work of my lawn, and there were some areas that were very compacted. It went right through leaving nice clean holes. I told anyone that would listen what a great product you have put out! Thanks for your time and patience. Paul Longo

Good Morning Mike
We received and put our RollAerator together and it works wonderfully!
Thank you for everything and good luck with your company!
You have a great product! Larry Stevenson

Got the handlebar today, Assembled and greased. This thing works amazing. I did a 3 min water before aerating and the cores were poppin out and were going flying everywhere. Love this new tool, hope you make millions. Good job. Chris Madsen

Hey, just want to let you know what an excellent product this is. I have to make some adjustments but it definitely works well. Have you thought about using 3/4” iron pipe for the handle? I am going to try and use some scraps that I have to see if I can make it a bit more rigid. If it works I will send you some pictures if you’d like. Regardless of how that turns out, I really want you to know how brilliantly simply your design is and how well it works. I don’t know what your plans are for the future of your business, but please keep it up! I really believe that what you designed could be a standard tool in every home owner’s shed. It perfectly fills the gap between the cheap flimsy crap that is available to the average homeowner and the professional yard machines that cost more than a mortgage payment. Keep it up! On Thu, Dec 7, 2023 at 6:17 PM Michael Onembo

I am impressed!
See The Review

I was skeptical at first, having used those step on aerators that do nothing but plug up. I was worried this would do the same thing. These are hand made out of recycled steel parts and it is heavy. That weight allows the tines to do what they need to do and plunge several inches into the soil. To my surprise, they tines do not clog up. I did my rear lawn, about 5000 square feet in about 25 minutes. My wife even wanted in and did about half herself. Really impressed and glad it’s part of my equipment.

Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New


Amick Rollaerator
See The Review

My roll aerator arrived, in 2 separate boxes, about 2 weeks after placing the order. The instructions were straight forward, and everything went together as expected. The unit is built like a tank, and should last forever. I was amazed at how well this machine works. It pulled consistent 2″ plugs, without clogging, from my mostly clay soil. The unit is heavy, as it needs to be, so you will get a work out by using it. My yard is about 1/4 acre, with hills, so I just split it up, and aerated over 2 days. I also like that it doesn’t take much room to store it. Great job Mike!

Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New

John Hausler

Amick Rollaerator

Impressive device

Long story short, this device does exactly what it is advertised to do, and does it well. Frankly, I was a little concerned about paying this price for an unknown commodity; it’s nice to see what you’re buying before you commit. On the other hand, I have not been able to find a similar device available for purchase anywhere. So, I took the plunge, used it today for the first time, and am completely satisfied with its build quality and especially its performance. Again, this works as well as is depicted in the videos available; no bait and switch here. Good machine, glad I own it, and anxious to use it again in the spring.

Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New

Jose / Lupe

Excellent tool for the garden
See The Review

This works perfectly. I have now used it on mine v and my mums lawn and almost covered the cost back compared to paying a company to do it. It is very well made. You will get slightly out of breath using it which I do not mind but it is usable by all healthy people and you can always take your time as I was doing it quickly. A great invention and a wise investment for me. I would definitely recommend getting one. I live in Nottinghamshire England and it was posted to me with no problems. Thank you.

Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New



The #1 Lawn Aerator Machine

Recent Customer Review

What a great tool you created, works beautifully and it’s a great workout too! I will send you as much business as I can! Thanks again. Steven

Hey, just want to let you know what an excellent product this is. I have to make some adjustments but it definitely works well. Have you thought about using 3/4” iron pipe for the handle? I am going to try and use some scraps that I have to see if I can make it a bit more rigid. If it works I will send you some pictures if you’d like. Regardless of how that turns out, I really want you to know how brilliantly simply your design is and how well it works. I don’t know what your plans are for the future of your business, but please keep it up! I really believe that what you designed could be a standard tool in every home owner’s shed. It perfectly fills the gap between the cheap flimsy crap that is available to the average homeowner and the professional yard machines that cost more than a mortgage payment. Keep it up! On Thu, Dec 7, 2023 at 6:17 PM Michael Onembo